Sisters Quran Halaqah
ONLINE ONLY Visit : Free Sisters Only Ramadan Quran Halaqah Series By Sister Samia Saad, Running Weekly - Monday to Friday from 11.45pm to 1.00pm Zoom ID: 7949188592 Passcode: 077488
A Free Sisters Only Ramadan Quran Halaqah Series By Sister Samia Saad, Running Weekly - Monday to Friday from 11.45pm to 1.00pm Zoom ID: 7949188592 Passcode: 077488
Quranic Tafseer with Shaykh Mustafa Raslan A weekly tafseer class starting on Saturday 12th June - 12.30pm to 1.30pm Open to brothers and sisters | Age 15+ Classroom setting | notes will be provided (pdf) Please use the following form to register for the course, notes will be emailed to…
JMAH presents a summer workshop on Purification and Prayer for both boys and girls. The workshop will go through the key aspects of each topic, alongside activities and games, a light lunch and snacks will also be provided. The workshop is open to boys and girls aged between 8-15years old…
In collaboration with MJAH, our latest event entitled 'Rights and Responsibilities of Parents', by Ustadh Ehsan Arshad. Friday 22nd October, after the Isha prayer (7.45pm) For more information please see the poster.
MJAH presents it's latest event - Prophetic Advise By Ustaadh Ubaidah Omar. Friday 18th February - After the Isha Prayer - Open to Brothers, Sisters and Children. For more information please see the poster. Please note: This event will not be live-streamed.
This Fridays (18th March 2022) Jummah Khutbah will be delivered by Shaykh Dr. Sajid Umar The Khutbah will start at 12.30pm with Salah at 1.00pm Open to Brothers and Sisters
The greatest, most excellent “and most honorable knowledge is that of Allah, Most High, His Names, Attributes, and Actions, the knowledge of His deen and of His Messenger (Peace be upon him) with love and magnification, being pleased with it all.” Ibn-ul Qayyim Join us as we go through the…
The annual sisters conference is back under the theme of the Quran National and international speakers are invited. Saturday 10th September 2022, from 11am to 7.30pm Urdu Speakers Include: Ustadah Aisah Mukhtar | Ustadah Ifat Maqbool (Pakistan) Umm Hasan Madni (Glasgow) | sister Najmah Ateeq (Nottingham) sister Aisha Saqib (Birmingham)…
An Evening of Celebrations! This Friday we're celebrating the fantastic achievement of 7 of our Madrassah students who recently completed their journey of memorising the Quran. May Allah make it a means of goodness for them Insha'Allah. You're invited to join us as we celebrate thier achievements. Guest speeches will…
Digiital Distractions - Taking back your life! By Ustaadh Waseem Khan