Prayer Times
10th December 2024
Zuhr Prayer
12:45 pm2 Hours 8 Minutes |
Prayer | Start | Prayer |
Fajr | 6:25 am | 6:45 am |
Sunrise | 8:14 am | |
Zuhr | 11:59 am | 12:45 pm |
Asr | 2:15 pm | 2:15 pm |
Maghrib | 3:47 pm | 3:47 pm |
Isha | 6:45 pm | 6:45 pm |
Welcome to JMAH ...
Welcome to Jamia Masjid Ahl-e-Hadith, Halifax and our new and improved website.
JMAH was founded in the 1980s and was one of the first masjids in Halifax. JMAH has been serving the community for over 30 years ...
We are currently running a public beta test and over the next few weeks we will be adding a wide variety of new features designed to help you make the most out of our services.
As part of our test we would appreciate your feedback. More information on this will be released soon.
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Support your local Masjid ...
Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord
Your generous donations allow us to continue to provide the events and activities to the community!
Latest News ...
The 2024 Ramadan lockscreens are now available, enabling you to keep an eye on prayer times without the need of having to visit websites. The lock screens are free and created for your convenience. Please click, download and then set as your lockscreen wallpaper. Version 1: iPhone X, 12/13 Pro…
The 2023 Ramadan lockscreens are now available, enabling you to keep an eye on prayer times without the need of having to visit websites. The lock screens are free and created for your convenience. Please click, download and then set as your lockscreen wallpaper. iPhone X, 12/13 Pro and Pro…
This Ramadan, we’re introducing Ramadan Timetable lock screens for your smartphones, enabling you to keep an eye on prayer times without the need of having to visit websites. The lock screens are free and created for your convenience For more information, please click here
JMAH Madrassah
Running weekly, JMAH Madrassah is the heart of the masjid working towards nurturing the future generation according to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be upon Him)
Class | Start Class | End Class |
Class One | Start : 4:30pm | End : 6:00pm |
Class Two | Start : 6:00pm | End : 7:30pm |
Hifz Class | Start : 4:30pm | End : 8:30pm |
Spread over one large main hall with
overflow areas allowing to hold 2500 men
Our recently renovated Building 2
allows us to hold 300 sisters
60 percent of our community
is under the age of 34.