Donate (Madrassah)

Madrassah Payments

We’re working towards going totally cashless in the madrassah using the following secure payment portal for the following reasons:

  1. Payment by card allows teachers to focus more of their time in teaching the children by eliminating the administration involved in collecting cash.
  2. It ensures that fees are paid on time.
  3. There is no risk of losing the money like there is when sending cash with your child.

You should already know the amount you need to pay, if you’re unsure, use the contact us form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

JMAH takes data protection seriously. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we manage your data.


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Jamia Masjid Ahl-e-Hadith
Halifax, West Yorkshire

01422 356843

Registered Charity No : 1148337



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